Shoulder Arthropathy: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Shoulder joint destruction and arthropathy

It is well known that many people, mainly the elderly, suffer from joint pain. They are caused by malnutrition, physical inactivity, stress, heavy physical exertion and other factors.

Very often, in the elderly and a small percentage of young people, osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint occurs -- a chronic disease that causes severe deformation of the cartilage and its adjacent tissues and bones. It is of the progressive type, and symptoms may not appear for many years, then worsen sharply.

The most common symptoms are prolonged exposure to low temperatures and shoulder pain after lifting heavy objects.

Do not self-medicate. At the first sign of disease, consult a doctor.


Shoulder deforming arthropathy occurs due to a process of inflammation in the hand joints. The main causes of the onset and progression of the disease include:

  • Injuries (dislocations, bruises, fractures);
  • Excessive physical activity (tennis players, basketball players);
  • malnutrition;
  • the presence of bad habits;
  • Joint cup infection.

Arthropathy of the shoulder joint is accompanied by an inflammatory process. As a result, cartilage tissue loses its properties and becomes thinner. Additionally, in advanced cases, the disease causes the cartilage tissue to deform or even break down, allowing it to grow into the bone structure.

signs of disease

Shoulder osteoarthritis usually begins to appear in people over the age of 45 because it is associated with age-related changes in the body. What occupation a person belongs to and what kind of lifestyle he adheres to play an important role in these symptoms. Synovial fluid deficiency is one of the main causes of cartilage destruction.

Symptoms of this disease can manifest in different ways: If the shoulder is in a certain position, it usually starts with mild discomfort or pain. The pain usually subsides or disappears when changing positions, however, if the patient does not consult a doctor to treat the initial symptoms, the disease can progress. The nature of the pain a person experiences with arthropathy is pain. They can sometimes be felt on the back, elbows, or the entire arm (in the first and second degrees, then they intensify).

Changes in weather conditions or continued physical exertion can exacerbate the intensity of discomfort. When the shoulder is at rest, the initial degree of disease does not bother the patient. Later, the number of movements of the joint is limited, which the patient sets consciously. At this point, the cartilage of the joint is destroyed and bony protrusions (osteophytes) grow, which greatly complicates movement. In the final stages of the disease, the patient can raise the arm no more than 90 degrees, as the cartilage fuses into bone to form, making the arm immobile.

Degree of disease

There are 4 degrees of this disease:

  • Grade 1 is characterized by minor damage to cartilage tissue. Patients may sometimes experience unpleasant pain after holding their shoulders or lifting heavy objects in one position for extended periods of time. During this stage, special exercise and diet can treat emerging symptoms and prevent further stages;
  • Grade 2 is characterized by the presence of osteophytes and narrowing of the joint space (shown on X-ray). Pain in this condition is more frequent and severe;
  • Grade 3 results in a reduction in the number of hand movements. The X-ray shows the smallest size of the opening between the shoulder joints. Patients often experience pain that does not go away with rest;
  • Grade 4 occurs if the patient does not seek specialist help in a timely manner. At the same time, fusion of cartilage and bony processes was detected, which made the hand immobilized.
Health and Joints Shoulder Joints


There are several options for the treatment of shoulder joint disease, depending on the severity of the disease:

  • prosthetic surgery;
  • medical treatement;
  • physiotherapy;
  • Medical and Sports Complex (LFK);
  • traditional medicine;
  • diet.

In the early stages of development, the disease can be successfully treated with steroid and non-steroid drugs, as well as drugs that relieve blood vessel and muscle spasms. These drugs help patients reduce pain and restore damaged cartilage tissue.

If the patient sees a doctor in time, he can be prescribed a therapeutic form of gymnastics. It helps increase joint mobility. In the initial stages, it's sometimes enough to just perform a workout prescribed by a specialist, and then there's no need for surgery or heavy medication.

If conservative methods (gymnastics, drugs) do not help, so-called surgical treatments are prescribed by the doctor. The most well-known method that can heal deforming joints of the shoulder is arthroplasty. At the same time, the collapsed joint will be replaced by a modern prosthesis designed to perform all the functions of the shoulder joint. Prosthetics are designed for years of work. Surgical intervention is used in the final stages of disease development, when treatment by other methods is not meaningful.

Exercises for Shoulder Arthritis

In principle, the use of folk remedies for shoulder joint disease is not prohibited, but must be approved by a doctor. It must also be compatible with other medicines. But don't ignore gymnastics and other exercises. Exercise therapy can be performed during the remission phase, and any exercise is excluded during the exacerbation phase. Wherever the patient finds these exercises, before performing the exercises, he must present them to his doctor, who will confirm or deny their health benefits and treatments. Also contraindications to gymnastics therapy are fever, lung disease, heart disease and other diseases.

Some of the most effective exercises are:

  • In the initial position, the patient's legs are shoulder-width apart, and the left arm is raised and flexed at the elbow so that the fingers touch the left shoulder blade. The elbows should look up. Repeat the same process with your right hand. The exercise should be repeated 4 times in total;
  • In the initial position, the patient's legs are shoulder-width apart and the arms are along the body. First, place the right hand on the opposite shoulder and vice versa. So, one holds oneself on the shoulders. At the same time, the elbows are kept as high as possible, and the person's fingers should reach the shoulder blades. Do this exercise 8 times.


Treatment of shoulder joint disease is quite extensive. This also includes dieting, as sometimes being overweight can put a huge strain on the joints. Statistics show that diet helps significantly reduce the manifestations of arthropathy as it helps patients lose weight. In addition to overcoming excess weight, diet should also consider providing the body with the substances it needs to restore and maintain cartilage elasticity.

Experts recommend that in order to treat shoulder deforming joint disease, it is recommended to include slow carbohydrates in the diet and replace them with fast carbohydrates. This means that flour products can be eaten, but products made with white flour (wheat, corn) should be abandoned in favor of products made with rye, oat or buckwheat flour. When dieting, you should eat enough grains (oatmeal, buckwheat, barley), which will provide strength and energy, and nourish cartilage and bones with essential trace elements.

As for using meat in your diet, include chicken, rabbit, and other low-calorie meats in your diet. At the same time, high-calorie pork and lamb should be avoided. Meat and vegetables should be steamed, boiled or stewed, but not fried. You also need to pay attention to legumes, as a source of plant protein. Another dietary recommendation is to use unrefined oil instead of refined oil. Meat and fish jelly helps restore cartilage and promote its development.